About the Practice

Cultivation of groundnut after two lines of maize production in the `Kharif' season

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Babubhai Shivabhai Patel
Agro-Ecological Zone: North Gujarat plain (Inclusive of Aravalli range and East Rajasthan Uplands) hot, dry, semi – arid eco-subregion (4.2),Gujarat Plains and Hills Region (XIII),North Gujarat Agro Climatic zone (GJ-4)
Address: Galiyadanti, Malpur
District: Sabarkantha
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 383345

Practice Details

Crop: Ground nut
Crop Family: Fabaceae
Crop Scientific Name: (Arachis hypogaea)
Crop Vernacular Name: Shing, Mandavi
Formulation: Farmers sow two lines of maize after every four lines of groundnut in the `Kharif' season.
Ingredients: Maize

PAS 1:


GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/309 - Practice ID: (Honey Bee, 3(2):13, 1992)

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