About the Practice

Nagaraju, a potato farmer has developed an innovative practice of sowing seeds. This technique saves on labour and also gives a good yield. He noticed that seeds which were accidentally left lying around were also germinating well. So in this new technique, the seeds are sown using the broadcast method and the soil is then levelled over the seeds using a wooden plank drawn by a pair of bullocks. Manure is applied before levelling the soil and it is ensured that all the seeds are covered in soil. Nagaraju has been using this technique for the last eight years and some of his neighbours have followed his example and have reported good yield.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Nagaraju
Agro-Ecological Zone: Eastern Ghats And Tamil Nadu Uplands And Deccan (Karnataka) Plateau, Hot Semi-Arid Eco Region (8.2)
Address: Ramadevarapura, Yalagundha
District: Hassan
State: Karnataka
PIN Code 573219

Practice Details

Crop: Potato
Crop Family: Solanaceae
Crop Scientific Name: (Solanum tuberosum)
Crop Vernacular Name: Aloo, Batata

PAS 1:

"Statistics on the machinery performance are essential for farm managers to make better decisions. In this paper, the performance of all machineries in five sequential operations, namely bed forming, stone separation, planting, spraying and harvesting in the potato production system, were investigated during one growing season. In order to analyse and decompose the recorded GPS data into various time and distance elements for estimation of the machinery performance, an automatic GPS analysis tool was developed. The field efficiency and field capacity were estimated for each operation. Specifically, the measured average field efficiency was 71.3% for bed forming, 68.5% for stone separation, 40.3% for planting, 69.7% for spraying, and 67.4% for harvesting. The measured average field capacities were 1.46 ha/h, 0.53 ha/h, 0.47 ha/h, 10.21 ha/h, 0.51 ha/h, for the bed forming, stone separation, planting, spraying, and harvesting operations, respectively. [Kun, Zhou & Jensen, Allan Leck & Bochtis, Dionysis & Sørensen, Claus. (2015). Performance of machinery in potato production in one growing season. SPANISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH. 13. 12-2171. 10.5424/sjar/2015134-7448.]."

PAS 2:

"An experiment was carried out at the Horticulture Farm of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh to investigate the effect of planting method and spacing on the yield of potato using Cv. BARI TPS-2. The experiment consisted of (a) two planting methods viz., transplanting and direct sowing in the field, (b) two planting systems viz., single row and double row system and (c) three spacing viz., 50x5, 50x10 and 50x15 cm. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with 3 replications. Transplanting method produced the highest yield (46.09 t ha-1) by increasing plant height, fresh and dry weight of foliage and number and weight of tubers per plant than the direct sowing method (32.00 t ha-1). Double row system of planting and the plant spacing 50x5 cm produced the maximum yield 41.67 and 42.32 t ha-1, respectively. Transplanting with double row system gave the highest yield (48.98 t ha). Whereas, the transplanting with 50x5 cm spacing produced the maximum yield (50.72 t ha-1). The highest yield 44.19 t ha-1 was produced by the combination of double row and 50x5 cm. The combination of planting method, planting system and spacing produced marked effect on all parameters studied, being the highest yield (52.62 t ha-1) in the combination of transplanting, double row and 50x5 cm spacing.[S. Mahmood , 2005. A Study of Planting Method and Spacing on the Yield of Potato Using TPS. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 4: 102-105
DOI: 10.3923/ajps.2005.102.100."

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/370 - Practice ID:

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