Ramabhai Gigabhia Kamedia is one such. He uses the juice of leaves of custard apple and vasaka. The compound juice is mixed with water and sprayed. The caterpillars die. At least two to three litres of the compound juice derived from the two plants needs to be sprayed. The effect of this spray is that insects can be controlled. Ramabhai has learnt of this method from his friends afar. Few farmers at Dandana village in Bhavnagar district are aware of the practice. Ramabhai has been using it for the past two years.
Crop: Sugar-apple, Malabar nut
Crop Family: Annonaceae, Acanthaceae- Acanthus family
Crop Scientific Name: (Annona squamosa Linn.), (Justicia adhatoda)
Crop Vernacular Name: Sweetsops, custard apple, bullocks heart, bullock heart, bulls heart . Common name: White vasa, yellow vasa, adulsa, adhatoda; Gujarati: Aradusi, araduso; Hindi: arus, arusa, pramadya, rus; Marathi: adulasa
Formulation: Juice of custard apple and vasaka.
Ingredients: Leaves of Custard Apple and vasaka
"500 grams of fresh Custard apple leaves boiled in 2 liters of water until the remaining liquid is about 1-liter. Dilute filtrate with 10-15 liters of water. Fill the sprayer. Spray on infested plants thoroughly. For one hectare, 5–7.5 kg of fresh leaves are required. Custard apple leaf extract (Vijayalakshmi; et. al., 1998: pp. 1-12)"
"Take 500 g of fresh Custard Apple leaves; boil leaves in 2 litres water until water is reduced to 0.5 litre. Dilute to 10 litres with water. Strain, and add 10 teaspoon soap.
Also: Take two handfuls ofseeds and grind into a fine powder. Mix with 4 litres of water and soak overnight;strain, and add 4 teaspoons soap. Pacific Pests and Pathogens - Fact Sheets."