About the Practice

Take a mixture of kamal, neem leaves, sore buttermilk, whey and water and keep in a vessel for 3-4 days, afterthat it is filtered 3-4 times and spary on cotton and other crop.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Balabhai Dudhabhai Makwana
Address: Mota Asharana, Mahuva
District: Bhavnagar
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 364280

Practice Details

Crop: Karmal, Margosa tree
Crop Family: Dilleniaceae- Karmal family, Meliaceae
Crop Scientific Name: (Dillenia pentagyna, (Azadirachta indica)
Crop Vernacular Name: Dog Teak, Dillenia, Nepali elephant apple; Gujarati, Hindi: karmal; Marathi: piwala karmal; English: Margosa tree; Indian lilac; Hindi: neem; nimtree; Sanskrit: Nimbah, Prabhadrah; Marathi: Kadu limb/nimb; Telegu: Vepa
Formulation: Mixture of kamal, neem leaves, sore buttermilk, whey and water
Ingredients: Karmal, neem leaves, buttermilk

PAS 1:

PAS not available

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/426 - Practice ID: DTP0010000001440

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