The pests are controlled by mixing 500 gm pounded leaves of custard apple in 500 gm neem oil and 500 gm buttermilk. The concentration is mixed with water in quantity of 200-250 ml per pump and then sprayed. No precaution is required while preparing this pesticide. This indigenous pesticide is sprayed twice, at every 15 day interval, even when chemical insecticide is sprayed once. It does not affect directly but all parts of the cotton plant become bitter and poisonous thus it checks the further infestation of pests without side effect
Crop: Neem, Sugar-apple
Crop Family: (i) Hindi: Neem; Marathi: Nimbay; Gujarati: Dhanujhada, Limba; Sanskrit: Pakvakrita, nimbaka (ii) sweetsops, custard apple, bullocks heart, bullock heart, bulls heart, Sitaphal, Cherimoya
Crop Scientific Name: (Azadirachta indica), (Annona squamosa Linn.)
Formulation: 500 gm pounded leaves of custard apple in 500 gm neem oil, 500 gm buttermilk and water
Ingredients: Neem oil, custard apple leaves, buttermilk
PAS not available