About the Practice

Two feet long branches of akda or (Calotropis gigantea) are kept in water tank or water canal leading to the crop. This water protects the crop from khapedi and molomashi.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Naranbhai Paragbhai Sarvalia
Agro-Ecological Zone: Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) : Western Plain, Kachchh And Part Of Kathia ( 2.4, 2.3), Agro-Climatic Zone (Planning Commission) : Gujarat Plains & Hills Region (XIII), Agro Climatic Zone (NARP) : North West Zone (GJ-5) North Saurashtra (GJ-6)
Address: Sayla
District: Surendranagar
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 363430

Practice Details

Crop: Great millet
Crop Family: Poaceae
Crop Scientific Name: (Sorghum vulgare)
Crop Vernacular Name: Jwaarie, jowar, jola, jondhalaa
Formulation: (Calotropis gigantea)
Ingredients: Branches of giant milkweed/ crown flower/ akda (Calotropis gigantea)

PAS 1:

"In both economic and ecological terms, a classical biological control agent that becomes established and exerts a controlling influence on a pest over an indefinite time period is the ideal control agent"

PAS 2:

"Farmer participatory development of a control strategy for the Variegated grasshopper with a biopesticide in the northern Mono, Benin."

PAS 3:

"Pest management practices used by the farmers are cultural and chemical control methods."

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/483 - Practice ID: DTP0010000000106

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