The farmers inter-sow coriander and garlic plants with chilli seedlings to avoid attack by thrips or woodworms. The coriander plants are plucked regularly, so they do not compete for water or nutrition from soil. Thus this practice does not affect the chilli yield. Inter-sow coriander or garlic plants with chilli seedlings to avoid attack by thrips or woodworms. Then they pluck the coriander plants adjacent to chilli plants and sell as green vegetable, while harvest the coriander grown on the bunds for seed purpose.
Crop: Chilly
Crop Family: Solanaceae
Crop Scientific Name: (Capsicum annum)
Crop Vernacular Name: Mirch, Lunka, Marchu
Formulation: The coriander plants adjacent to chilli plants are plucked and sold as green vegetable, while the coriander grown on the bunds are harvested for seed purpose
Ingredients: Coriander or garlic seeds