About the Practice

Dhirubhai Devrajbhai Kaachhadiya dips about 250-300 gm of Thornapple (Datura metel) leaves along with the stem in 1 L of water and heats it till luke warm. After mix and cooling down the solution,he sprays on the crop. Pests perish within a period of 6-7 hours.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Dhirubhai Devrajbhai Kaachhadiya
Address: Amreli Gujarat
District: Amreli
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 365601

Practice Details

Crop: Cotton
Crop Family: Malvaceae
Crop Scientific Name: (Gossypiumarboreum spp.)
Crop Vernacular Name: Ruyi
Formulation: 250-300 gm of Dhaturaor Thornapple (Datura metel) leaves along with the stem and 1 L water
Ingredients: Leaves and stem of Dhaturaor Thorn apple (Datura metel) and water.

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/526 - Practice ID: KNW0010000001144

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