About the Practice

Sri Ayyavu from the Anna taluka of Tamil Nadu uses the twigs and leaves of nochi (Vitex negundo), ponavaram (Cassia auriculata), kolunchi or kaaval (Tephrosia purpurea), (Ipomoea fistulosa), veppalai (Wrightia tinctoria), and (Calotropis spp.) are as green manure for the wetland paddy crop. Farmers have learnt that, if the leaves of (Wrightia tinctoria) and (Calotropis spp.) are used in excess, a disease called vemputtai occurs leading to failure of the crop to bear grains. This is caused due to the excess heat generated by application of this green manure. In order to prevent this excess thermo condition in paddy crop, these plant leaves are applied in the paddy nursery, where they do not affect the seedlings. In red, sandy soil the water requirement of paddy is higher and farmers have to increase the frequency of irrigation in the paddy fields. Some farmers, in order to reduce the frequency of irrigation, incorporate into the soil, plants of shrubby morning glory which, while rotting, enhance the water retention capacity of soil.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Sriayyavu
Address: Kasampatti,natham
District: Anna
State: Tamil Nadu
PIN Code 624401

Practice Details

Formulation: Use the twigs and leaves of nochi (Vitex negundo), ponavaram (Cassia auriculata), kolunchi or kaaval (Tephrosia purpurea), (Ipomoea fistulosa), veppalai (Wrightia tinctoria), and (Calotropis spp.) as green manure for the wetland paddy crop.
Ingredients: The twigs and leaves of nochi(Vitexnegundo), ponavaram(Cassia auriculata), kolunchi or kaaval(Tephrosiapurpurea), (Ipomoea fistulosa), veppalai(Wrightiatinctoria), and Calotropis

PAS 1:

"Green manuring effects on crop morpho-physiological characters, rice yield and soil properties"

PAS 2:

"The Effects of Green Manure (Sesbaniarostrata) on the Growth and Yield of Rice"

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/659 - Practice ID: KNW0010000000746

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