About the Practice

Devjibhai Sangrambhai Joghajiya from the Piyava village of the Chotila taluka of the Surendranagar district in Gujarat uses an innovative method to control Powdery Mildew disease in cumin (Cuminum cyminum). Joghajiya prepares a mixture from 10 days old flour of bajra and ash in the proportion of 1:4. This mixture is dusted on the cumin crop before flowering to avoid the infection.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Devjibhai Sangrambhai Joghajiya
Agro-Ecological Zone: North West Zone (GJ-5), North Saurashtra (GJ-6)
Address: Piyava Chotila Surendranagar
District: Surendranagar
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 363520

Practice Details

Crop: Cumin
Crop Family: Umbellifers
Crop Scientific Name: (Cuminum cyminum)
Crop Vernacular Name: Ajaji, Jiraka, Ajajika, Jira, Sadajira, Jirautmi, Jirn, Jiraugi, Jeeru, Jirun, Safed jira, Jirage, Bilejirege, Safed Zoor
Formulation: Prepare a mixture from 10 days old flour of bajra and ash in the proportion of 1:4. Dust this mixture on the cumin (Cuminum cyminum) crop before flowering
Ingredients: The 10 days old flour of bajra and ash.

PAS 1:

"The cultivars cumin RZ-223, GC-4,RZ-19, UC-198, GC-3 are tolerant to wilt. Seedtreatment with a mixture of carbendazim+captan (1 :1) @ 4 g/kg of seed, summer ploughing and use ofneem cake and crop rotation with non-host crops likeCumin as bionutrient and its management 219 mustard and pearl millet for three years can helpcontrol wilt (Thamburaj and Singh, 2014)."

PAS 2:

"Traditional plant protection management practices of Rajasthan. - Ten-day old pearl millet flour and ash are mixed in the ratioof 1:4 and dusted on the cumin crop before flowering toprevent infection of powdery mildew. This practice is beingfollowed in Pali and Barmer districts."

PAS 4:

"Ash (2-3 kg) is mixed with castor oil (0.7-0.8 kg). Thismixture is spread on the seedbed of cotton (0.01 ha) tocontrol ‘damping-off’ disease." -

PAS 5:

"Farmers dust the ash at the rate of 50-60 kg ha-1 on mustardcrop to prevent various diseases like white rust, downymildew and powdery mildew." -

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/661 - Practice ID: KNW0010000000308

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