In Kapadwanj, Dehgam and Thasara talukas of Kheda district in Gujarat, where the rich sandy loam soil is irrigated, farmers use a seed mixture to conserve soil. In this method, a mixture of seeds of kodra or kodomillet (Paspalum scorbiculatum), nagli or finger millet (Eleusine coracana), and bhindi or brown Indianhemp (Hibiscus cannabinus) are broadcast on the bunds for soil conservaton. Broadcast a mixture of seeds of kodra or kodomillet (Paspalum scorbiculatum), nagli or finger millet (Eleusine coracana), and bhindi or brown Indian hemp (Hibiscus cannabinus) on the bunds for soil conservaton.
Formulation: A mixture of seeds of kodra or kodomillet (Paspalum scorbiculatum), nagli or finger millet (Eleusine coracana), and bhindi or brown Indianhemp (Hibiscus cannabinus) are broadcast on the bunds for soil conservaton.
Ingredients: Seeds of kodra or kodomillet (Paspalum scorbiculatum), nagli or finger millet (Eleusine coracana) and bhindi or brown Indianhemp (Hibiscus cannabinus).
"Sowing the seed for soil Conservation."