About the Practice

Dig deep drainage channels around the salt affected fields, so that the rain water drains the field in to these channels. Sometimes deep sub-channels are also prepared in the field according to its slope. These sub-channels deliver the collected water into main channel which is finally drained out. Farmers prefer to grow gram and cumin crops in the salt affected fields, but if soil is highly affected Ganda baval (Prosopis sps) is grown to reclaim it.Ramabhai Keshabhai Jadav from the Kheda district in Gujarat grows Ganda baval (Prosopis sps) to reclaim salt affected soil. Farmers dig deep drainage channels around the salt affected fields, so that the rain water drains the field in to these channels. Sometimes deep sub-channels are also prepared in the field according to its slope. These sub-channels deliver the collected water into main channel which is finally drained out. Farmers prefer to grow gram and cumin crops in the salt affected fields, but if soil is highly affected Ganda baval (Prosopis sps) is grown to reclaim it.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Ramabhai Keshabhai Jadav
Agro-Ecological Zone: Middle Gujarat Agro Climatic zone(GJ-3), North Gujarat Zone GJ-4 37. N
Address: Kheda
District: Kheda
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 387411

Practice Details

Crop: Gram and Cumin
Crop Family: Fabaceae, Apiaceae
Crop Scientific Name: (Cicer arietinum), (Cuminum cyminum)
Crop Vernacular Name: Chana, Chane, Jira, Jiru
Ingredients: The Ganda baval (Prosopis spp) plant.

PAS 1:

"High soil salinity and alkalinity have degraded about 8.5 million ha of once productive land in India. The severity of the problem is increasing, and several million ha of the canal irrigated area in the arid and semi-arid regions of the country run the risk of being degraded. Increasing human and livestock pressures on available land necessitates protracted efforts to reclaim lands which are already degraded, and to prevent their further degradation. Providing vegetative cover to such lands with suitable woody and herbaceous species can put the these lands to optimal use and also increase the forest cover of the country. The Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, has found that trees of the genus Prosopis or mesquite can be used for the afforestation of salt affected lands. These trees are highly salt tolerant and excellent biomass producers. The technology has been developed for their cultivation in problem areas. This paper deals with various aspects of Prosopis cultivation for the rehabilitation of salt-affected lands. The most widely cultivated species of Prosopis in the world are (P. juliflora), (P. alba), (P. chilensis), (P. cineraria), (P. pallida) and (P. tamarugo)."

PAS 2:

"The main aim of the introduction of Prosopis juliflora was to reclaim the saline and alkaline soils and extending the utility as firewood. In spite of that Prosopis juliflora is used for the varied utility." -

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/698 - Practice ID: KNW0010000000348

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