The farmers of Cholanahalli of Kadurtaluka in Karnataka have formulated a remedy to overcome black lice infestation in plants. They powder the raw cashew (Anacardiumoccidentale) seed and dry it. Then they pour heated coal into a metal pot and over it put the powdered cashew seeds. They hold this pot near the plants infested with black lice so that the fumes emanating from the pot spread over the plant. This destroys the black lice. Powder raw cashew (Anacardiumoccidentale) seed and dry it. Then pour heated coal into a metal pot and over it put the powdered cashew seeds. Hold this pot near the plants infested with black lice so that the fumes emanating from the pot spread over the plant.
Crop: Cashewnut
Crop Family: Anacardiaceae
Crop Scientific Name: (Anacardium esculentum)
Crop Vernacular Name: kaju
Ingredients: The powder of raw cashew (Anacardiumoccidentale) seed, metal pot and coal.