A mixture of kerosene oil and detergent soap powder is found to minimize whitefly infestation in crops. Dhirubhai Bhovanbhai of Zanzmer village in Gujurat has found that the mixture of kerosene oil and detergent soap powder is effective in minimizing whitefly infestation in crops.
Ingredients: Kerosene Oil And Detergent Soap Powder
"INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES. - Kerosene oil, or coal oil, is a powerful insecticide; The undiluted oil is, however, liable to seriously injure plants to which it is applied. This difficulty is overcome by using one of the special spray pumps which have been devised for the purpose of mixing the oil with water in any desired proportion; or by forming an emulsion with some substance that may be readily diluted with wftter. Soap is most commonly used for this purpose, as
follows: Kerosene oil 2 gallons Hard soap (preferably whale-oil) 4 pound Water 1 gallon Dissolve the soap in the water by boiling. Add the suds, boiling hot, to the oil. Churn the mixture violently with a spray pump until it becomes a thick creamy mass. If perfectly emulsified, the oil will not rise to the surface even after standing an indefinite time. Such an emulsion may he used immediately or may be kept as a stock mixture. Before using, dilute one part of the stock emulsion with 8 or 10 parts of water. This will be found to be an efficient remedy for green-aphis woolly-aphis, red-spider, mealy-bugs, and certain scale-insects."
Sprays: Now days, soap-detergent sprays are available in the market that are designed for the control of plant pests. These sprays have found to be highly effective against different small soft-bodied arthropods, like aphids, young scales, whiteflies, psyllids, mealybugs, and spider mites. Large insects, like - caterpillars, sawflies, and beetle larvae are normally immune to soap sprays. However, some large insects like boxelder bugs and Japanese beetles, are vulnerable."
"Detergents and Soaps as Tools for IPM in Agriculture" -