Termite is a international pest, it servives on almost all crops. The termite affected plant wilts, resulting in the economic loss of the farmer. To control this pest, 30 kg of castor (Ricinus communis ) cake and 10 kg stembark of mahua tree are spread per acre of land before tilling. Till the field deeply to uniformly mix the castor cake and stem bark. This brings 60 % control of termites. This is a traditional practice learnt from forefathers.
Ingredients: stembark of mahua (Madhuca indica) tree, castor (Ricinus communis) cake
"Antibiosis and insecticidal properties of Madhuca indica and Bixa orellana against Spodoptera litura Priyanka Bhatt1*, RP Srivastava2 1, 2 Bioactive Plant Natural Product Laboratory, Department of Entomology, G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India International Journal of Entomology Research."
"Mahua cake possessed a significant insecticidal and pesticidal activity against phytonematode (Pandey et al., 2003)."