To control this pest, 10 to 15 gm crushed flowers of bastard teak (Butea monosperma) are kept at the mouth of the crab burrows. Better results are obtained if used for 3 to 4 times. About 80% of crabs in paddy can be controlled by this method. Bastard teak is found in the forest, on the boundaries of fields, as well as on the barren lands. Flowers have medicinal value. No precaution is required to be taken while preparing medicine.
Crop: Paddy
Crop Family: Poaceae
Crop Scientific Name: (Oryza sativa)
Crop Vernacular Name: Dhan
Formulation: 10 to 15 gm crushed flowers of bastard teak (Butea monosperma)
Ingredients: Flowers of bastard teak (Buteamonosperma)
Flower: monospermoside (butein 3-e-d-glucoside) and isomonospermoside, chalkiness’, aureoles, flavonoids (palasitrin, prunetin) and steroids, triterpene, butein, butin, isobutrin, coreopsin, isocoreopsin (butin 7-glucoside), sulphurein, "[]