About the Practice

For control of any kind of insect pests in stored grains, 500 g fresh leaves each of neem (Azadirachtaindica) and corkwort (Leptadeniareticulata) are used per 20 kg grains. Half of the leaves i.e., 250 g of each species are spread atop the first layer of 10 kg and rest atop the second layer of 10 kg grains, before closing the container tightly with a lid. This is a traditional method learnt from the forefathers and in use over 25 years. Sixty percent people of this area are known to use this method since last 10 years. Evaluation is verified when no insects are observed in the stored grains when the container is opened..

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: LakhshmanbhaiFatesinghTakore
Agro-Ecological Zone: Middle Gujarat Agro Climatic Zone (GJ-3)
Address: Panchmahals Gujarat India
District: Ahmedabad
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 388270

Practice Details

Crop: Grain
Ingredients: • Leaves of Neem (Azadirachta indica), • Leaves of cork wort (Leptadeni areticulata)

PAS 1:

"The most prominent constituent of neem is azadirachtin, which has been established as a pivotal insecticidal ingredient. It acts as an antifeedant, repellent, and repugnant agent and induces sterility in insects by preventing oviposition and interrupting sperm production in males. [Chaudhary S, Kanwar RK, Sehgal A, et al. Progress on Azadirachtaindica Based Biopesticides in Replacing Synthetic Toxic Pesticides. Front Plant Sci. 2017;8:610. Published 2017 May 8.
doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.00610] "

PAS 2:

"With the increasing trend of using bio fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides, neem should be increasingly cultivated and grown all over the world to get active ingredient-azadirachtin, responsible for stopping the growth cycle of pests. Neem is also assuming a lot of importance in crop management. Considering the fact that neem is not only a cheaper, naturally occurring product and an effective method to control pests and insects, but also has no side effects on plants or other living being. [Agbo, B. &Nta, Abo &Ajaba, Mathias. (2019). Bio-pesticidal Properties of Neem (Azadirachtaindica).]"

PAS 3:

"The results indicated that seeds oils obtained from neem berries stored for one to seven years under normal room conditions gave significantly comparable insecticidal effects against the 3rd instar larvae of Trogodermagranarium, though the newest products of one to four years old were relatively the best. However, significant reductions in activities were reported in oil treatments prepared from the oldest fruits of eight years old. Therefore, fruits stored for up to seven years were advocated for preparing crude oil extracts, but additional studies are needed regarding the additive materials for quality improvemen [Satti, Abdalla&Elamin, &Futuwi, A.I.. (2013). INSECTICIDAL EFFECTS OF NEEM (AZADIRACHTA INDICA A. JUSS) OILS OBTAINED FROM NEEM BERRIES STORED AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. The Experiment. 6. 330-337..]"

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/807 - Practice ID: DTP0010000003265

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