About the Practice

Leaves of cactus placed around the tobacco nursery so that migrating larvae first attack these leaves and not the tobacco plant Chhaganbhai Mahijibhai Chauhan from the Rajupura village in the Savli taluka in Baroda district in Gujarat has a unique method of using the leaves of cactus to protect the tobacco plant from larvae. Chauhan places the leaves of cactus around the tobacco nursery so that the migrating larvae from adjacent fields first attack these leaves. The leaves along with the insect larvae are collected daily and fresh leaves are placed there Place the leaves of cactus around the tobacco nursery so that the migrating larvae from adjacent fields first attack these leaves. Collect the leaves along with the insect larvae daily and place resh leaves there

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Chhaganbhai Mahijibhai Chauhan
Agro-Ecological Zone: Central Highlands (Malwa), Gujarat Plain 5.2 (15 Dm4)Central Kathiawar peninsula, hot dry
Address: Rajupura Savli Baroda Gujarat India
District: Ahmedabad
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 391530

Practice Details

Crop: Tobacco
Crop Family: Solanaceae
Crop Scientific Name: (Nicotiana tabacum)
Crop Vernacular Name: Tobacco
Ingredients: Cactus leaves

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GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/829 - Practice ID: KNW0010000000425

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