Extract of flowers of hippe or moa tree (Bassia latifolia) or honge or Pongam (Pongamia glabra) to control insect attacks. Farmers from the Santheshivara village in the Hassan district of Karnataka uses the flowers of hippe or moa tree (Bassia latifolia) or honge or Pongam (Pongamia glabra) to control insect attacks on various crops. They prepare an extract of moa tree or Pongam flowers and use it to control insect attack on pulses, lemon, and watermelon.Prepare an extract of hippe or moa tree (Bassia latifolia) or honge or Pongam (Pongamia glabra) flowers and use it to control insect attack.
Ingredients: The flowers of hippe or moa tree (Bassia latifolia) or honge or Pongam (Pongamia glabra).