Mansukhbhai Nagarbhai Mathodiya, of Bhavnagar district in Gujarat, uses crushed onions to control the soil pest, talkidi that attacks and destroys the cotton plant when it is fully grown.The talkidi a soil pest, is a menace prevalent in the Bhavnagar district of Gujarat. The pest attacks the fully grown cotton plant, causing the plant to wither in a short time. Mansukhbahi Nagarbhai Mathodiya described a method wherein onions were used by farmers to control the soil pest. In the procedure, the farmers take 20 to 25 kg of onions in a jute bag, which they then crush with a wooden mallet. The jute bag containing the crushed onions is then placed in water channels during irrigation. This method was effective in controlling the soil pest.Caution This is a simple, natural and inexpensive remedy for effective control of the soil pest talkidi. All the materials are easily available and the treatment is carried through to the crops with no extra efforts by simply placing the jute bag containing the crushed onions in water channels during irrigation Formulation:
Crop: Cotton
Crop Family: Malvaceae
Crop Scientific Name: (Gossypium herbaceum)
Crop Vernacular Name: Kapas
Formulation: 20 to 25 kilograms of onions in a jute bag.
Ingredients: Onions, jute bag, wooden mallet