About the Practice

The plant of guggul or Indian Bedellium(Balsamodendronmukul) to treat virus infected chilli plants. KanubhaiDharamsibhai Desai from the Mehsana district in Gujarat has developed a method to fumigate the virus affecting the chilli plants using cow dung cakes and guggul or Indian Bedellium(Balsamodendronmukul) plant. A virus infection in chilli plants, causes the leaves to shrivel. This leads to loss of nutrition in the plants and the crop yield falls. Desai burns Indian Bedellium plant and fumigates the chilli plants with its smoke. He places the Indian Bedellium on burning cow dung cakes and carries it around the field so that plant is exposed to the fumes. It is believed to show results within five days. Around 700 grams of Indian Bedellium is required for one acre of crop. Burn guggul or Indian Bedellium(Balsamodendronmukul) plant and fumigate the chilli plants with its smoke. Place the Indian Bedellium on burning cow dung cakes and carry it around the field so that plant is exposedto the fumes.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: KanubhaiDharmsibhai Desai
Agro-Ecological Zone: Northern Plain (and Central Highlands) In (4.2)
District: Mehsana
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 384001

Practice Details

Crop: Chilli
Crop Family: Solaneceae
Crop Scientific Name: (Capsicum annum)
Crop Vernacular Name: Marcha
Formulation: Around 700 grams of Indian Bedellium is required for one acre of crop. Burn guggul or Indian Bedellium(Balsamodendronmukul) plant and fumigate the chilli plants with its smoke.
Ingredients: The guggul or Indian Bedellium(Balsamodendronmukul) plant and cow dung cakes.

PAS 1:

"Ecofriendly Management Of Leaf Curl Disease Of Chilli Through Botanical Bio-Pesticides. An experiment was designed to evaluate the efficacy of a few botanical pesticides against leaf curl viral disease in chilli. Minimum disease incidence (34.63-37.88%) was recorded in plots, which received seedlings treated with Clerdendrumaculeatum (leaf extract) followed by three foliar sprays of Terminaliaarjuna (bark extract). Whereas, seedling treatment with Clerdendrumaculeatum (leaf extract) followed by three foliar sprays of Terminaliaarjuna (bark extract) were observed maximum per cent disease control (60.72- 57.70%) along with fresh fruit yield (2.35-2.07 kg plot-1) and an increase in fresh fruit yield (58.75-58.24%). Maximum plant height (55.83-55.19 cm), maximum plant canopy (72.31-67.55 cm), days of 50 per cent flowering (85.04-85.79DAT), maximum fruit weight (2.31- 2.23g), maximum total number of fruit plant-1 (72.29-70.63) and maximum number of seed fruit-1 (58.35-57.70). A. N. Chaubey, R. S. Mishra and Virendra Singh.(2017). ECOFRIENDLY MANAGEMENT OF LEAF CURL DISEASE OF CHILLI THROUGH BOTANICAL BIO-PESTICIDES. Plant Archives Vol. 17 No. 1, 2017 pp. 285-291."

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/904 - Practice ID: KNW0010000000494

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