For control of insects in crop plant, mix 5 kg flour of pearl millet with 5 lit of buttermilk and fill the same in an earthen pot. Bury this earthen pot under heap of dry leaves and other rubbish for 15 days. After taking it out, filter the mixture and use it as a stock solution. Take 60 ml of this stock solution in the spraypump fill with water and spray it on the insect pest infested crop. Spray should be scheduled at the interval of every 15th day, when crop is infected with insects. The remedy shows its effect within a day after its use.
Crop Family:
Crop Scientific Name:
Crop Vernacular Name:
Formulation: 5 kg flour of pearl millet is mixed with 5 L of buttermilk. 60 ml of the solution prepared is sprayed at an interval of 15 days.
Ingredients: Flour of pearl millet, buttermilk, earthen pot, spraypump
flour: Higher yield, lesser rust”
"Buttermilk is used to treat plant diseases in many crops".
"Insect Pest Control - Plant extract of `Ayani' and `Anuchhadi'”