About the Practice

Govindbhai Desai from Junagadh, Gujarat, suggests innovative measures in tackling insect pest by using a mixture of several poisonous plants and locally available chemicals.Govindbhai Desai from the village Bantia in the Vanthalitaluka in Junagadh district of Gujarat, grows groundnut during monsoon. In 1994, his crop was infested with the black and green aphid. According to him, these pests suck the sap from leaves and affect the growth. When cloudy atmosphere coincides with southern wind, the aphid population builds up. He prepares following ingredients to tackle the pest. A filtered decoction of 500 grams of custard apple (Annonasquamosa) leaves boiled in one litre of water till it is reduced to one fourth of the original quantity. About 50 to 60 ml latex of calotropis. Half a liter extract of seeds/pellets of ariyo(which could be brought from any village shop). 100 grams of tobacco leaves boiled in half litre of water and filtered. The whitish fluid deposited in biogas digester. (It is generally removed at every four to six months while cleaning the gas plant. It collects in small quantities and gives off a foul smell like. About 100 grams of copper sulphate. He mixes the above mentioned ingredients in a container and use the resultant mixture as insecticide. This quantity is enough for making 15 litres of spraying liquid. Govindbhai first sprayed the mixture on two rows of groundnut and observed its effect on the pest and the crop for 24 hrs. After seeing that it controlled the pest but had no immediate side effect in crop, he sprayed it on the rest of the crop. According to Govindbhai, one spray is sufficient to control aphids in groundnut. He tried the mixture on castor crop which was affected severely by ghodiyaiyal, a larval infection. The larvae walks by making a loop (locally known as ghodi) hence the name ghodiyaiyal. The infestation defoliates the castor plants and only the midribs and veins of leaves remain on the plant. Govindbhai noted a 70 per cent effectiveness of this insecticide in controlling this pest. Logic of combining plants for herbal extracts. He has been experimenting on plant extracts like Annonasquamosa. He reasons that these ingrdients are either known poisonous plants or have foul odours like man-made insecticides similar to the water taken from biogas digestersDr G L Atara, Principal, Ayurvedic College, Jamnagar, says that biogas water has methyl alcohol which is akin to wood alcohol referred in Vriksha Ayurveda (ayurveda for plants). According to Vriksha Ayurveda, wood alcohol increases growth and yield of any crop).Mix the following ingredients in a container and use the resultant mixture as insecticide. filtered decoction of approximately 500 grams of custard apple (Annonasquamosa) leaves boiled in one litre of water till reduced to one fourth of the original quantity. About 50 to 60 ml latex of calotropis. Exrtract of seeds/pellets of ariyo (which could be brought from any village shop) heated in half litre of water. 100 grams of tobacco leaves boiled in water and filtered. The whitish fluid deposited in biogas digester. (It is generally removed at every four to six months while cleaning the gas plant. It collects in small quantities and gives off a foul smell like synthetic pesticides.) About 100 grams of copper sulphate.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Desai Govindbhaijivabhai
Agro-Ecological Zone: Arid western Plains (5.1)
Address: Bantia,Vanthali
District: Junagadh
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 362610

Practice Details

Crop: Groundnut,Pigeon pea
Crop Family: Fabaceaea,Leguminocaea
Crop Scientific Name: (Archis hypogea),(Cajanus cajan)
Crop Vernacular Name: Magfali,Tuver
Formulation: 100 gm of tobacco leaves boiled in half litre of water and filtered. The whitish fluid deposited in biogas digester. (It is generally removed at every four to six months while cleaning the gas plant. It collects in small quantities and gives off a foul smell like. About 100 gm of copper sulphate.
Ingredients: Leaves of custard apple (Annonas quamosa), latex of calotropis, seeds/pellets of ariyo, tobacco leaves, whitish fluid deposited in biogas digester and copper sulphate.

PAS 1:

"Pigeonpea and Integrated Pest Management "

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/950 - Practice ID: KNW0010000000536

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