About the Practice

Inter-cropping combinations for pest control. Farmers from the Moradabad district in Uttar Pradesh use various inter-cropping methods to control pest attack on plants. As a protection from pod borer insects, farmers grow coriander and alsi or Linseed along with Bengal gram. To prevent diseases and insects in mango crop, they grow coriander, mint, ginger and turmeric in the mango orchards. To control mosaic disease in tomato and chilli, some farmers grow marigold along with tomato and chilli. To control motha (Cyperus rotundus) weed in the fields, spread manure made with mango leaves. Green manure of lobia or Cow pea plants also prevents. Grow coriander and alsi or Linseed along with Bengal gram. In the mango orchard grow coriander, mint, ginger and turmeric. Grow marigold along with tomato and chilli. Spread manure made with mango leaves to control motha (Cyperus rotundus) weed. Alternatively green manure of lobia or Cow pea plants also prevents.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Documented by Hindi Version of Honey Bee
Agro-Ecological Zone: Northern Plain, Hot Subhumib (Dry) Eco-Region (9.1)
District: Moradabad
State: Uttarpradesh
PIN Code 244001

Practice Details

Crop: Gram,
Crop Family: Leguminoceaea
Crop Scientific Name: Cicer arietum,
Crop Vernacular Name: Chana
Ingredients: The seeds of coriander, alsi or Linseed, mint, ginger, turmeric, marigold, manure made from mango leaves and the lobia or Cow pea plant.

PAS 1:

"Impact of intercrops and border crops on pest incidence in okra G.K. Sujayanand* , R.K. Sharma and K. Shankarganesh"
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/306041270_Impact_of_intercrops_and_border_crops_ on_pest_incidence_in_okra/link/5a9544e10f7e9ba429716742/download

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/1462 - Practice ID: KNW0010000000564

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