About the Practice

Some farmers burn dry mango leaves because they believe that the smoke keeps the insects away. The mango hoppers is a major insect. Besides sucking the succulent foliage and flowers, they secrete sticky juice which covers the leaves. This leads to infection of powdery milldew disease. Some farmers from Gujarat burn dry mango leaves in the orchards because they believe that the smoke keeps the insects away Burn dry mango leaves in the orchards.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: P M Mane
Agro-Ecological Zone: Western plain, kachchh and part of kathiawar peninsula, hot arid eco-region (2.3)
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 382002

Practice Details

Crop: Mango
Crop Family: Anacardiaceae
Crop Scientific Name: (Anacardium esculentum)
Crop Vernacular Name: Keri
Ingredients: Dry mango leaves

PAS 1:

"Mango hopper manage Ment By Ipm practices including insecti -Cides, botanicals And Cultural practices"
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328717854_MANGO_HOP_PER_MANAGEMENT_ BY_IPM_PRACTICES_INCLUDING_INSECTICIDES_BOTANI_CALS_AND_CULT URAL_PRACTICES/link/5bdd4132a6fdcc3a8db9cf74/download

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/1466 - Practice ID: KNW0010000000566

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