About the Practice
Problem Statement:

Keeps Indigo cows away from crops, kills insects without the application of chemical pesticides.


He took an oil can, cut its sides, fill it with some water and light a candle or diya in it. The can was then placed in the middle of the farm, at a height where the light could be seen from far. It is known that Nilgai fears light thus the candlelight would keep it away. Also, the insects that come to feed on the farm would get attracted towards the light and fall into the water in the can. The birds which come in the morning to feed on the farm would instead feed on the insects. Source: https://navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/viral-adda/photo-gallery/rajasthan-20-year-old-successful-farmer-narayan-lal-dhaker-his-jugaad-technology-and-adarsh-kisan-centre-youtube-channel-20469/7/

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Narayan Lal Dhaker
Address: Jai Singhpura, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan
City: Chittorgarh
State: Rajasthan
PIN Code 303106

Email: narayan4130@gmail.com
Contact No: 7742684130.0

Practice Details

Link: The innovation also works as a silencer by internally canceling out sound waves as they pass through a series of concentric channels. The geometry and construction of the unit also delivers removal of carbon-based effluents as soot and solid deposits. The exhaust gases, which come out eventually are very clean and leave no trace of carbon on the leaves of the tree growing nearby. The unit functions as an attachment, not only for precipitating carbon particulates from the flue gas and damping the sound, it also reduces the temperature. On an average, after 3000 hours of engine operation, the innovator removes about 5 kg of soot using the chute at the bottom of the drum. In about six to eight months, it collects 12 to 14 kg of carbon, which can be easily taken out from the opening at the bottom.
Manufacturing Capacity: c) Sub-contracting
Photo Links:

Problem Scale: 6) Around the world
Blog Link 5:

News Link 5:

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/113

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