About the Practice
Problem Statement:



“During 2007 he developed Jacquard Lifting machine by seeing the drudgery of handloom weavers in his village. The machine operates with 1/4 hp motor. It costs Rs. 21,000. He so far supplied 5000 machines. He manufactures & supplies 100 machines per month. He claims about 30 families are involved in the production of different spare parts, then he assembles them at his house before supplying the machine to the customers. The weavers generally operate the jacquard box by press the wood lever by his leg almost the weight of the handloom jacquard is 30kg to 80kg weight. Most of the weavers affected by knee problem, spine problem and so many problems. So, this device operates the jacquard box by touch the pedal box unit with his leg thumb only. If he touches the pedal the maximum of 80kg weight will be lifted.” Source: http://nif.org.in/innovation/jacquard-lifting-machine/1079#:~:text=Ravi's%20motorized%20Jacquard%20lifting%20mechanism,later%20converted%20to%20linear%20motion.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: P. Ravi
Address: RSPG Jacquard Industries 131, Keelandai St. Kamakkur post - 606 903 Arni Taluk Tiruvannamalai District
City: Tiruvannamalai
State: Tamil Nadu
PIN Code 606 903

Practice Details

Link: Non-stick surface prevent to sticking of food at bottom Non-stick coating provides low oil cooking facility Food grade Non Stick gives a healthy food Clay generates a unique taste to the foods Life of Non Stick is equal to conventional coated tawas Cheaper cost makes it affordable
Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support, c) Sub-contracting, e) Franchising, f) Any other:
Photo Links:

Problem Scale: MILD AND LOCAL
News Link 5:

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/117

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