protection against coronavirus infection by maintaining social distancing
Partha Saha, a school drop-out has built an electric motorbike with a one-metre gap between the rider and the passenger to drive home the importance of social distancing in the coronavirus pandemic. He bought an old bike from a scrap dealer, removed the engine and cut the machine in two before affixing a rod slightly longer than a metre to connect the wheels. His new bike runs on battery power and has a top speed of 40 kilometres per hour. It takes three hours to charge the battery, which allows the bike to travel 80km. The cost of charging it once comes to about 10 rupees. Source:
Link: One has to change only cones here unlike rapier looms, where frequent change of pirn is required. This can weave up to one thousand meters thereby reducing manpower and time.
Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support, c) Sub-contracting, d) Licensing
Problem Scale: Around the world
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