About the Practice
Problem Statement:

Jitabhaihas developed early maturing and high yielding improved variety of Dolichos lablab (synonym:Lablab purpureus) commonly known as Hyacinth bean and Val (in Gujarati) from a local variety through selection method. In 1987 hefound some good quality bunched pods of Hyacinth bean mixed in the fodder which he was collecting from neighbouring village. He separated those pods and kept for sowing in the next year. He sowedfew seeds in his field the following year and noticed that some of the plants were bearing more number of bunched pods which matured earlier than others. He selected those desirable plants and harvested the seeds separately for next year. He continued the selection process for desired characters continuously for eight years and in 1995, the variety was stabilized. Thereafter the seeds of the variety were distributed to the farmers of his neighbouring areas for trials and it became very popular due to its high yield and delectable taste.


The distinct characteristics of JK-1 variety are early maturing variety requiring 60 to 65 days for first picking, longer fruiting period ranging from August to April, lengthy, pale green lustrous bunched pods,over 700 pods per plant, high green pod yield (675 q/ha) and high seed yield (64 q/ha). JK-1 is the most preferable bean variety for making Undhiyu (Gujarati mixed vegetable dish) During the validation of the variety by SardarkrushinagarDantiwada Agricultural UniversityDantiwada, Gujarat at two locations during 2015 to 2017, the variety JK-1 was found to be119.7% superior in terms of green pods yield over checks. The variety is being widely cultivated by the farmers of Sabarkantha, Aravalli, Panchmahal, Dahod and Banaskantha districts of Gujarat. NIF has also conducted on-farm trials at farmers’ field in Maharashtra (Pune &Palghar) and Rajasthan (Jaipur and Sikar) with overwhelming response from the growers for its higher market acceptability and taste.The application for registration of the variety has already been filed at PPV&FRA, New Delhi.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Jitabhai Kodarbhai Patel
Address: Idar, Sabar kantha
City: Sabar Kantha
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 383430

Practice Details

Link: The Kouna Mat Weaving Machine is a small size loom and works like a shuttle loom. However, there is no shuttle in the machine and the leg treadle in shuttle loom is replaced by a hand lever, which lifts the warp threads and here lies the main innovation. It has a wooden frame of about 4 ft high, 4 ft in breadth and 4 ft in length. The lever is either pulled up or pulled down to lift the warp threads and restores in its normal position once the lever moves back to the original place. Each of the two harnesses/shafts has a set of heddles through which the wrap threads (small plastic rob) are threaded. The warp plastic threads are rolled into a wooden beam on the front end of the machine and on the other end; the plastic threads are tied to a collection beam which lies below the weaving area. Using gears and sprockets, the two beams can be rolled simultaneously. The open ended weft ‘Kounas’ are rolled by hand into a designed frill which just takes about 4-5 hours to complete frill rolling of a single mate (6.5ft long). Once the weaving is done, the woven mat is cut into desired length using a cutting knife.
Manufacturing Capacity: d) Licensing, e) Franchising
Photo Links:

Problem Scale: 1) India 2) Around the world

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/139

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