About the Practice
Problem Statement:

Insect pests damage various crops and vegetables either by directly feeding or destroying post-harvest produce causing severe losses to the farmers.


Jyotsna Mayee Patra (18) is a young innovator, studying Political Science Honours course for her graduation. In her home garden, she noted that the rose hedges were severely infested by insects and were not bearing flowers. She observed a climber (name withheld due to IP reasons) bearing fruits was growing close to the vicinity of the roots zone of the rose plants. The fruits of the climber decayed and decomposed in the root zone and the insects infesting the rose disappeared soon. The growth of the rose plants improved and they started bearing flowers. A curious young student of class 8th at the time, shesearched similar fruits from the village pastures and placed in the root zone of other insect infested plants in her garden and in rice fields and noted the control of all types of insects including soil insects. She has been using the practice in her fields (rice) and garden (vegetables) for the last four years. The preparation is very effective in low volumes and can be used for the control either in the form of a solution/juice or powder or can directly be buried equidistant in the soil, spread across the rice fields for maximum control.Care while handling, spraying of preparation and use of protective gear is required due to its poisonous nature.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Jyotsna Mayee Patra
City: Kendujhar
State: Odisha
PIN Code 758001

Practice Details

Link: Ranjeet has developed a simple but an effective par-boiled paddy spreading machine. It is a trolley having a sluice gate kind of opening at the bottom where the size of the opening can be adjusted. While carrying the par-boiled rice to a different site for drying, the opening is kept closed. It can spread about 800 kg par-boiled paddy in five minutes. This machine can also be used for spreading cow dung, compost etc in the farm field and there is no need of hiring any labour for this purpose.
Manufacturing Capacity: d) Licensing
Photo Links:

Problem Scale: 1) India

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/143

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