Ved Prakash and Shyambir Singh are credited with mechanizing and institutionalizing paddy transplanting machines to eliminate drudgery in farming. The ever-increasing labor cost, coupled with the paucity of labor during peak seasons compounded this problem many-fold. Therefore, to save time and manual labor, the duo, in the year 2011, developed an engine operated-paddy transplanterwhich they later modified to add a tractor-mounted Power take-off [PTO]. Shyambir Singh (45) and Ved Prakash (48) are originally from Uttar Pradesh. Shyambir, is an ITI drop-out. Ved Prakash worked as a farmer and goldsmith before finally settling down in a socks manufacturing firm.
The paddy transplanter is mounted on a three-point linkage at the rear end of a 40 HP tractor tractor. This modular design incorporates nine transplanting units with a provision of changing inter-row spacing, row width, and depth of plantation. It has a simple-to-operate mechanism for picking, indexing and transplanting seedlings and uses the wash-root method of transplantation. The transplanting arm rotates in a semi-circular path and on reaching its upper position, the guide roller removes one to two seedlings from the tray.The adjustable knock-out mechanism then pushes the seedlings in the soil to a depth of 5 to 8 cm. On further field trials, the hill-to-hill spacing, missing hills, transplanting efficiency, field capacity and fuel consumption were observed to be 19-20 cm, 5-9%, 93%, 0.42 ha/h and 2.5 l/h, respectively. The cost of paddy transplanter is Rs. 1,50,000 with an operating cost of Rs. 300/ha.
Link: The pan is coated with Teflon material to avoid the sticking of sago rice. The processed and sized sago rice balls are roasted in this device.
Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support, d) Licensing, e) Franchising
Problem Scale: 1) India
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