About the Practice

A Device to Separate Tamarind Seeds After spending about three lakhs rupees and six months of hard and intensive labour in 1994, he could finally design and develop a machine to separate tamarind seeds. It had a system wherein due to the sliding action of the pegs that were tapered at the end, the seed gets thrown out of the tamarind pod. Tamarind Slicing for Pickles The next step in pickle making was to cut the unripened tamarind into small pieces. The process was difficult and tedious. This led him to design a machine for slicing tamarind. The machine served multiple purposes and could do the job more efficiently and effectively. Due to his work related to tamarind, people nick named him "hunase huccha", which means tamarind maniac. Other Innovations Abdul has been striving and struggling hard to discover the progressive methods that can fit into modern agriculture. In this direction he developed many other innovative, low-cost and farmer friendly technologies. In 1974, as soon as he left school he developed a new kind of bullock drawn tiller capable of deep ploughing. Due to financial constraints he was not able to produce the tillers at lesser cost for market. Followed by the tiller, he developed a plough blade in which whetting was not needed. The blade did not get damaged much and hence remained sharp for a long period. The blade could be used in tractor ploughing too. Ploughing blade manufacturing machine: This machine was used for sharpening the tractor harrow blade. Once the blade gets sharpened, it lasts long without much wear and tear. This reduced the fuel consumption to some extent. Seed cum fertilizer drill: This machine was used for sowing seeds of different sizes ensuring proper spacing. It could be used for sowing seeds ranging from jowar to groundnut. It had a wooden roller with various sizes of depression to suit the size of the seed. The machine could also facilitate dispersal of fertilizers, mud and grass. Water-heating boiler: It could boil water sufficient enough for bathing 20 people by using just five kg of wood chips, that too in five – ten minutes. The boiler had an in-built mechanism for multi-stage heating, which kept the water hot for nearly 24 hours. Automatic sugarcane sowing driller: This was developed in response to the request of some farmers from Maharashtra to automate the sowing of sugarcane. Abdul Nadakattin took only 6 months to develop this driller, which was purchased by many farmers. He also developed a wheel tiller, which has wheels on both sides and helps to maintain uniform speed of the tractor engine, iron wheel to avoid the wear and tear and high fuel consumption occurs normally with the rubber button tyres in the tractors and a bullock drawn tiller and ploughing blade. He has many such small and big innovations in his name but all his creative pursuits have taken a heavy toll on his financial resources. He struggled with a debt worth lakhs and was forced to sell his agricultural implements. However, he did not relent to any of the hardships and continued to struggle. He established Vishwashanti Agricultural Research Centre at Annigeri, through which he sells his innovations. Through the support of Karnataka Government, many of his products are available to farmers at subsidised rates. He also works closely on some projects with the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. His factory is being managed by his sons and his daughter-in-law looks after the financial aspects. Despite all the hardships, Abdul Nadakkattin continues his innovative spirit. His in depth knowledge in the agro-climatic conditions and the soil characteristics has made him an inspiration to the other farmers in his area. Acknowledgements: Abdul Nadakattin’s profile published in Honey Bee newsletter (Honey Bee, 11(4) & 12(1): 11-12; 2000- 2001) is gratefully drawn upon.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Abdul Khadar Nadakattin
Address: Dharwad, Karnataka
City: Dharwad
State: Karnataka
PIN Code 580001

Practice Details

Link: Manually operated, easy to use & requires less effort Specially designed for household. Maintenance free: Easy to wash & clean. Provides pure & healthy sugarcane juice in the comfort of home.
Blog Link 5:

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/164

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