About the Practice
Problem Statement:

Broking of stalks of the paddy during the threshing process


Traditionally paddy is threshed by beating followed by winnowing and cleaning by the fan. Paddy stalks are the main source of fodder for the animals in the region and in addition they are the raw materials for paper industries. There was shortage of labour and hence the labour charges were quite high too. These constraints were the basic ones when he planned to make such a machine. To overcome this labour intensive paddy threshing and to conserve the paddy strains, Dilip Sinh developed paddy thresher where the paddy grains and stalks are obtained separately at the end of the threshing process.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Dilipsinh Rana
Address: Surat
City: Surat
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 394101

Practice Details

Link: Has two engines; fully waterproof; This vehicle may have applications in defence, aqua tourism, water sports, hunting and fishing and may find relevance during rescue and relief operations during floods.
Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support, d) Licensing
Photo Links:

Problem Scale: 2) Around the world
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GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/173

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