About the Practice
Problem Statement:

Manual and time consuming digging of groundnut crop


In the conventional groundnut digger the innovator has added vibration pad/shock absorber spring and two pivoted wheels in the rear of groundnut digger. It is claimed to reduce load on the tractor’s three point linkages and increase maneuverability due to wheels, reduction in breakages (mainly bearings) due to vibration pad, approach of machine in corners and easy driving on bunds and channels in the field. The machine, which can be fitted to standard 540 rpm PTO, can cover 4 ha in 8 hours, consuming 6 lit diesel. He has sold over 350 machines in the last 5 years at a price of Rs 120,000-140,000/-. The customers who purchase machine in 2011 are still using the machine and the sale is mainly based on word of mouth, which confirms the acceptability of machine among the farmers.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Ratanram Dudhval
Address: Near Petrol Pump,Surera, Po-Surera Manda, Via. Dantaramgadh
City: Sikar
State: Rajasthan
PIN Code 332742

Practice Details

Link: Working with the help of PTO shaft of tractor Also useful for dig pods based crop
Manufacturing Capacity: e) Franchising
Problem Scale: 2) Around the world
News Link 5:

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/211

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