Manual and time consuming process of harvesting
It is a tractor mounted combine harvester with the provision of collecting chaff. The machine is combination of vertical conveyer reaper, crop conveying mechanism, thresher and sheet metal tank/bin for chaff and straw collection. It can be operated using tractor of 45 hp and above. Front mounting on tractor and collection of straw with less height of left over straw after harvesting are unique features of this combine harvester. A vertical conveyer reaper is mounted in front of the tractor which can be lifted up to 9 inch from the ground. A commercially available thresher is attached in between the reaper and the tractor front. Both harvesting and threshing unit are connected through two self-made conveyor units. Cereal crops are gathered in by the header in the front, the cutter bar runs the entire length of the header to cut off the crops at their base and convey vertically to one end and windrow the crops on one conveyor. The cut crop travels up through conveyor to the processing mechanism inside the threshing unit. A threshing drum beats the cut crop and separates the grains from their stalks, which are separately collected. The straw chaff, after being cut into small pieces, gets collected in a separate tank. It can cut and process 12 quintals of grains straw in one hour. It has been successfully used for harvesting wheat and paddy and may also be suitable for soyabean, mustard and all other crops for which the traditional harvesters are suitable. The speed of operation was found to be 4 km per hour with fuel consumption of 12 litres per acre. This harvester eliminates the dependence on labor while increasing the productivity. Since straw is cut close to the ground, there is no requirement for burning it hence it helps in retaining soil micro flora and prevents pollution too.
Manufacturing Capacity: e) Franchising
Problem Scale: 2) Around the world
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