The innovation is a modified loom, which is only slightly bigger in shape due to the incorporation of the second shuttle. The technical details remain more or less the same with the existing shuttle loom models. In the conventional shuttle looms a shuttle passes from one side to the other of the warp shade, running on the warp beam. A small rob/string is used to pull the shuttle from side to side. A horse shoe shape slider, commonly made of hard leather, fixed on the end arms of warp beam, pushes the shuttle to and fro from one end to the other. In the double shuttle loom, there is a common horse shoe in the middle. When the first shuttle strikes from one end, the middle horse-shoe strikes the second shuttle in the same direction. Therefore, both the shuttles move in the same direction simultaneously and the middle horse–shoe strikes one shuttle at a time. Many ball bearings have also been added to the new machine. Therefore weaving on the double shuttle loom has become easier than any other single shuttle loom. Apart from the double shuttle loom, he also developed certain accessories to further ease work on the double shuttle loom.
Manufacturing Capacity: e) Franchising
Problem Scale: 1) India
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