About the Practice
Problem Statement:

The main problem is faced in checking the parameters such as water temperature, Turbidity, n p k, dissolved oxygen and maintaining them. The ambient water temperature is measured by immersing thermometer in pond for about two minutes .this process is cumbersome and can be dangerous for the person measuring, if the depth of the water is more. fig 1: measuring water temperature. To check the transparency secchi disc is lowered in the water and the depth at which it disappears in the water is measured. this is also a cumbersome process and requires manual operation. fig 2: measuring the transparency fig.3. secchi disc For measuring the ph of the pond water sample water is taken and then tested. fig.4. measuring the ph For measuring the dissolved oxygen content various experiments such as modified winner's method are used. fig .5 . measuring the dissolved oxygen


In 2019 just like common group of friends we decided to meet a friend of ours who was pursuing her master’s in aqua-culture fisheries department at SKUAST. After we went there for a day we realised that its not an easy task to culture fishes. They have to take tests at regular intervals just to check if the waters suitable for fishes. Lot of time is consumed in just performing these tests, & than maintaining these parameters is another task. After seeing all the hectic work done there & we being engineering students have been dealing with sensors thought that something has to be done for easing out the task. returning back to home we searched the web to collect the information regarding the difficulties faced by the fisheries department : • Meeting growing demands for seed, feed and fertilisers, in terms of quantities and quality; • Reducing production losses through improvement in fish health management; • Increasingly severe competition with other resource (land/water/feed) users; • Deteriorating quality of water supplies resulting from aquatic pollution; • Successful integration of aquaculture , and promotion of small-scale low-cost aquaculture in support of rural development; assurance of food safety and quality of products. Seeing all these problems we thought of innovating an automated system that would actually take care of all these things. this project is based on the automation system and is basically a fish farm monitoring system that could be used in the aquaculture and fisheries department. it realizes the problems of the aqua culturists and utilizes the science and technology to make the process effortless. it uses different sensors to detect important water quality parameters needed for the fish growth and uses different actuators to maintain their optimum values. it also considers the nutrition requirement of the fishes and accordingly dispenses the particular type of feed in a particular manner. this design also has a continuous filtration system to reduce the silt load of the water coming from different water resources.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Adnan Nabi & Malik Sheeza
Address: 92-Kadlabal Pampore & 228, Lane No 8 Ward No 3 Shivpora
City: Srinagar
State: Jammu & Kashmir
PIN Code 190004

Email: aadinabii1@gmail.com & sheezaaaaa@gmail.com
Contact No: 7006501475, 01933222188 & 7006252549, 01942467179

Practice Details

Link: ➢ It continuously monitors water quality parameters. ➢ It maintains the optimum value of all the water quality parameters needed for the higher yield of fish. ➢ It reduces the labour cost. ➢ It reduces slit load with effective filtration. ➢ The same water can be treated and used many times thus helping in water conservation. ➢ It also comes with a feeder that will feed the farm timely.
Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support
Problem Scale: 1) India : the problems that this industry faces is not geographical area specific, but affects every industry in the world.as we know the water is being polluted everywhere ,so the effects can be seen everywhere. But as we know India ranks third in fisheries production, and second in aquaculture. fisheries alone has employed 145 million people and contributed to 1.07% of the GDP and generated export earnings of Rs 334.41 billion as per a recent estimate of national fisheries development board , any decrease in the yield can decrease the GDP and affect the country’s economy drastically. Upto this time all the tests are being done manually that actually reduces the efficiency hence reducing the yield. Also if the water and the nutrition is not favourable it would increase the mortality rate of the fishes. 2) Around the world : there has been an overall increase in water-borne diseases throughout the world .one of the reason being that the water purity is always questionable and obviously the life evolving in such conditions can’t get the best of the world. unfavourable water quality has affected the yield and also the quality of aquaculture. Mortality rate has been increased since the water pollution is increasing.
News Link 5:

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/254

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