About the Practice
Problem Statement:

motor vehicle and bullock to replace the diesel engine for drawing water from the well.


An innovative method of using differential gear system of the motor vehicle (preferably a mini truck) run by bullock power to draw water from well. This replaces diesel engine, thereby saving on fuel and energy. The differential gear system is found at the rear wheels of the motor vehicle. In this method, the innovator first installs the differential gear system of a mini truck in place of the diesel engine. He then fits the engine pulley with axle of the defferential. Thereafter, he lengthens the round pipe of the differential and joins it with the bullocks yoke. When the bullock is made to move in circular motion around the well, the differential pipe joined to the yoke also moves in circular motion which engages the gears of the differrential. The gears in turn move the axle of the differential which moves the engine pully. Belt attached to the pulley also starts moving which operates the centrifugal pump inside the well. This draws water from the well continuously. The system is capable of drawing water from the depth of about 17 metres.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Bavchanbhai Vanrajbhai Savalia
Address: Chhapia via vijpadi Savarkumdla Bhavnagar Gujarat
City: Bhavnagar
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 364515

Practice Details

Link: This is very simple yet innovative method of converting animal power to mechanical power. The innovator has developed this method on his own. Any farmer with the rudimentary technical knowledge can use this method.
Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support c) Sub-contracting e) Franchising
Problem Scale: Loacl in india
News Link 5:

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/965

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