About the Practice
Problem Statement:

multipurpose thresher-cum-tractor in his own farm factory.


It is one such wishful thought of a worker that inspired Laljibhai. One worker told him a couple of decades ago that if you want the complete harvest done faster, then it would not be possible without a diesel engine. That was the cue, sufficient to set Laljibhai thinking and tinkering. Laljibhai chopped and changed and tinkered with angles, sheets, shafts and pulleys. As the culmination of his effort, he came out with the very oil engine that the worker originally wished. It has got off the boards of Laljibhais farm factory. The prototype of the engine-driven thresher-cum-tractor is now ready. Whats more, it is in use by Laljibhai himself in his farm. This threshing machine clears groundnut, wheat, millet, pulses, sunflower and soyabeen pods and seeds and gives out clean grain. The tractor component comes first in Laljibhais scheme of thresher-cum-tractor. The tractor ploughs the field. But since Laljibhai does not manufacture it, he does not claim credit for it. But, all the same, it is an inspiration for him. For, he acknowledges the genesis. For thousands of years, farmers have been ploughing their fields with their own hands or with the help of bullocks. Then came the tractor, the machine that helped quicken and perfect ploughing. He thinks his thresher is also part of the genesis. To run the threshing machine of Laljibhai, it is necessary to have an oil engine fitted to it. He, however, regrets that the small farmer, of whom there are millions in this country, cannot afford his thresher. This is because his thresher can be used only with a tractor, which is beyond the capacity of the small farmer. Even so there is an advantage: With the help of the tractor-cum-thresher the harvest work can be done in double quick time and the grain comes out clean according to its gradation

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Laljibhai Karsanbhai Ramani
Address: Jasdan Jasdan Rajkot Gujarat
City: Rajkot
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 360050

Practice Details

Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support c) Sub-contracting e) Franchising
Problem Scale: local in india
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GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/969

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