Need of muitiporpose thresher can be operated by oil engine
According to techinican formaerly farmers were using bullock or bullock cart for reaping crop it was a time consimung procs more wind minute it there was lesser wind mnute impartied were notived in the crops to meet with such inconvenincer thersher was made In such thersher crops like groundnut wheat can be reaped by changing cutter and nets Because of small size of such thersher it can be shifted from one place to other with help of bullock cart. Its size is as under Height 4 feet three inches this thresher can be opertied house powder moter of five to hours with eletric moter of five to ten house power It can be operated with every crops can be reaped he himself last 38 years. He got an idea after seeing the clifficluter is prepare labour of farmers can be reduced and crops can be repared quickly. In this area all farmers are uin fthis thersher for last 30 years.
Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support
c) Sub-contracting
e) Franchising
Problem Scale: local in india
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