About the Practice
Problem Statement:

Need of training Yoke


Ratnabhai Vankar from Panchmahal district of Gujarat has developed a yoke with modified wooden tool known in these parts as "tarilu" for training the young bullock that is engaged for farm or draught work for the first time; when yoke is mounted on the young bullock for the first time, it does not like the intrusion and tries to throw the yoke away from the body. As this happens repeatedly, much time is wasted and this also frustrates the farmer. This modified yoke is designed in such a manner that the vertical and horizontal wooden pieces fitted on both the sides of the yoke does not allow it to fall down. This makes it easy to train the young bullock using this self-developed yoke. Kalubhai Virabhai and Khengarbhai Khatubhai are a few farmers among others from this area who use this modified yoke for over five years.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Ratnabhai Ghnabhai Vankar
Address: Mu. Nakudi, Po. Bodhidhrakhurd Sahera Panchmahals Gujarat
City: Panchmahal
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 389210

Practice Details

Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support c) Sub-contracting e) Franchising
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Problem Scale: Some limited communities
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GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/987

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