Chemical Based Colour
C .V. Raju, a graduate in agricultural sciences from the village of Etikopaka, Andhra Pradesh belongs to a family of zamindars (landlords). He returned to his village after completing his education to take care of his land and family holdings. During that time, artisans from his village who faced acute financial problems were moving to the urban areas. Some 200 skilled families attached to his estate, including those adept at crafting traditional wooden toys, approached him for help and support. Raju agreed to help as he himself wanted to prevent the erosion of such traditional skill in his village; he started Padmavati Associates for this purpose and sought to tap the demand for eco-friendly products in the international market. He is accredited with the revival of the age-old practice of using tree-based dyes in the place of synthetic dyes for painting wooden toys. In the course of time, he also attended various workshops and training courses to further improve the technique of fabricating wooden toys; his toys are of high quality and superior finish. (A specific procedure is followed for preparing different dyes from natural resources; the raw material differs in each case and are derived from different parts of various trees or plants. It is generally powdered and boiled to form a thick solution till it starts forming a lather; then the concentrates are filtered. The colours and tones depend on various other parameters such as the temperature at which it is tro be boiled, duration of boiling, quantity of water and raw material boiled,etc. For instance, to prepare a concentrate of red or orange, 1kg.of Bixa orenella seeds are mixed with 2 lt. of water and boiled on a small domestic oven for 20 to 30 minutes. The concentrate is cooled and filtered and mixed with lacquer.)
Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support
c) Sub-contracting
e) Franchising
Problem Scale: Global and Grave
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