About the Practice
Problem Statement:

Immidiate Update for email


Background: When we get an email we do not know about this immediately unless have a computer and this is kept connected to the Internet. Connection is about 2 million and the average usage of Internet is about 1 hour per day. How the idea was born: A friend who went abroad assured that he would communicate with me through email. Since I did not have a computer at home I would go to the cyber cafe and would look for an email everyday and most often I would return disappointed as there would be no mail Thus a lot time and money was wasted. I thought it would be nice if I had a system that could alert me over the phone whenever I get a new mail message and thus developed this product. Functional details: It consists of a: · software package and · electronic gadget Software specification The software is installed onto a central server that is continuously logged on to the Internet. The software has three main modules. · Data base enrolling · Remote email server querying · Gadget communicating Operating System: Windows NT Languages used: Visual C++ and Visual Basic Electronic Gadget specifications: Gadget consists of a PCB mounted with electronic components like ICs and is housed inside a Box with dimensions: 6in. x 4.5in x 1.5 in The main parts of the Gadget : · Two telephone plug in sockets · LED Display · Speaker/Buzzer · Email Counter · Indicator Selector · Reset Button · Bypass Switch · Battery Box Working mechanism of innovation : Data base module : Telephone Numbers and Email ID of the users are stored . Querying Module : This continuously scans the email account of new emails, whenever a new email is found the corresponding telephone number against the email ID of the user is extracted from the data base. Communication Module : This generates a unique protocol that activates the gadget.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: T. Sony Roy
Address: Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
City: Hyderabad
State: Andhra Pradesh
PIN Code 500030

Practice Details

Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support c) Sub-contracting e) Franchising
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Problem Scale: Futurestic
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GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/1003

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