About the Practice
Problem Statement:

women carry huge loads of water over long distances


In Gandhinagar, at the Gram Technology Sanstha, the Technical Manager sought a solution to a problem faced by women in the region of Kutch. Women here have to fetch water from distant regions. Bearing water from wells becomes a real problem as in Kutch wells are usually one or two kilometres away from home. Carrying such a heavy weight for such long distances proves really difficult. To solve this problem, they requested Khimjibhai to design an instrument to reduce the burden of the women. Within three days of being asked for a solution, Khimjibhai made such an instrument and named it Panihari ka Vishram, because the women who fill water are called Paniharis and vishana means rest. The innovation is a stand that is placed on the head with the arms of the stand resting on the shoulders, thereby reducing the load on the head.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Khimjibhai Kanadia
Address: Gadha Himmatnagar Sabarkantha Gujarat
City: Sabarkantha
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 383001

Practice Details

Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support c) Sub-contracting e) Franchising
Problem Scale: Grave
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GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/1015

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