Method of converting Old Oil Engine into air compressor
Existing air compressor there are one / two cylinders. Air compressors costs more than Rs.15,000 maintenance costs is also very high. Using electricity units is high. Reconditioning the air compressor costs nearly a new compressor cost and the reconditioning is also not guaranteed. Simple and Small changes in the existing oil engine can make the oil engine to air compressor. Change in spring system (from big spring to small spring) . To release the air a whole in the nozzle attached with the small bearing. The above changes can easily make an oil engine into an air compressor with the investment of just Rs.200 and some other expense costs on over oil, reconditioning the motor etc. The air compressor made by Mr. Govindasamy is just one year old and he has not faced any problem from this air compressor.
Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support
c) Sub-contracting
e) Franchising
Problem Scale: Local And grave
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