About the Practice
Problem Statement:

Low Efficiency Furnace Blower


A furnace blower was fabricated using an old rim of a bicycle wheel and blower blades similar to a wall fan using 24 gauze steel plates welded together. This blower length is 25cm and diameter is 27 cm. It is made up of tin sheet. It has aperture of 3 cm diameter on both the sides. It is connected with 3/4 ft length pipe. This furnace blower fabricated can be handled by a single person who can do both blowing as well as attending sharpening / heating the implements. A single man can rotate the blower by operating its handle attached to the wheel. By blowing air continuously through the help of the blower the furnace fire is well maintained and keeps continuity of fire for the purpose of heating or welding various lathwork. By rotating the wheel by a handle, the far wings assembled inside a metal drum of the blower are made to rotate at sufficient RPM to keep the fire in the furnace of a workshop to continuously burn and to furnish heat energy required for various purposes. Advantages: 1.Fabricated locally by the innovator. 2.This can be operated by a single man and can be easily transported from one place to other place where operations are to be carried out. 3.It costs only Rs. 300 compared to blower made out of leather is Rs.3000. 4.It reduces drudgery of the person who is rotating the blower. This blower can be easily rotated on both the directions (clockwise anticlockwise). In the conventional blower rotation can be only on clockwise direction. So the person can use 2 hands alternatively and this ease operation. 5.It increases the temperature of the kiln quickly and maintain it continuously enabling quick completion of work.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Gurusamy P.M
Address: Devadhanam Rajapalayam Virudunagar Tamil Nadu
City: Virudhunagar
State: Tamil Nadu
PIN Code 626001

Practice Details

Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support c) Sub-contracting e) Franchising
Problem Scale: Grave and global
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GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/1050

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