To design toilets in the Little Rann of Kutch addressing privacy and water shortage problem in a cost-effective manner.
Most of the village population do not have access to safe and reliable toilets. A good toilet, together with a safe reliable water supply and the practice of good personal hygiene can do much to improve personal and family health and wellbeing. There is an urgent need for the construction of simple, low cost, affordable toilets that are easy to build and maintain and are relatively free of odours and flies. The compost is useful in the vegetable garden and can also be used for growing trees. The simplest are low-cost pit toilets and a builder is not required once the householder has learned how to make it. We evolved the final design with a concept and they made it with the locally available crap and materials. We made the toilet modular so that villagers can assemble it in 3 easy steps. Design description - Design has three parts 1. Toilet seat which is made of bamboo. 2. Barrel or composting pit along with ventilator. 3. Drainage system Barrel is the main component over which the seat made of bamboo will rest. The barrel has holes below till the height of it on the periphery of drum, so that seepage can take place easily of the liquid waste. The solid waste will be collected in the jute bag tied inside the barrel which is treated with soil. When the person will use it, he has to use soil and ash mixture instead of water. He can use little water to wash himself which will step down and move to soil. There is also a pipe that is attached to the surface, so if the level of liquid waste rises then it can even drain out from that pipe. Other than this, we used a lid to cover the toilet seat after use. In 15 days the waste will become the manure and when they will open the toilet seat the ropes attached to the sear will move apart closing the bag and bringing it up.
Link: Based on these observations we started designing. Earlier we thought to take inspiration from ecosan toilets that were proven to be successful in Africa, then we switched to composting toilets and looked up few of the already functioning designs. Design Aims - It has to possess an Indian toilet seat. It should be UNDER 5000 INR. IT SHOULD BE PORTABLE
Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support, c) Sub-contracting, d) Licensing
Problem Scale: Local in India only