About the Practice

• Details relating to the new variety of pigeon-pea developed by Amrutbhai Agarwat: • Variety name: gdp-1 • Harvest time: 160 days • Height of the plant: 6to 7 ft • Direction: after flowering, the plant grows erect • Pod size: 2.5 to 3 • No of grain per pod: 5 to 6 • Grain size: not uniform • Yield\20guntha : 25 to 30 maunds • Pest % -12 to 15 % • Resistant to sucking pest because of the colour • Water required during the year: water from normal rains • Price of grains: less compared to normal • Drought-resistant variety

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Dhudabhai Pujabhai Patel
Address: Gadha, Modasa, Sabarkantha
City: Sabarkantha
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 383316

Practice Details

Link: • Resistant to sucking pest because of the colour • Water required during the year: water from normal rains • Price of grains: less compared to normal • Drought-resistant variety
Manufacturing Capacity: f) Any other:
Photo Links:

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/1163

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