About the Practice
Problem Statement:

Pesticide sprayer


Dayaljibhai discussed the idea of a bullock-driven pump with Amurutbhai, the village blacksmith, and both decided to put in Rs.1000 towards making it. They bought all the material to make the equipment. For nine days and nights he worked with Amurutbhai to fabricate a pump. On the end of the ninth day, when the pump was ready and was tested; it failed. The water did not rise in the pump. Dayaljibhai was extremely disappointed. He told Amurutbhai that he would not bother him any further and would work on it by himself. However, he requested Amurutbhai to send his son to assist him if required. The very next day, he modified the design. He used a PVC pipe and Jentri (free wheel) in the pump. It worked. The wheel movement of the bullock cart works the sprayer. The two are linked across a pulley. When the cart moves, it turns the pulley and works the pump. Two barrels of pesticides are mounted on the cart, one barrel is placed higher than the other. A platform is attached over the barrels which has a jentri attached at the centre which is responsible for creating pressure so that the liquid in one barrel raises. The liquid rises to the nine nozzles attached to a pipe, to be sprayed. This sprayer is very effective for crops like cotton and groundnuts that require frequent treatment. The spray works till the crop is 6 to 7 ft. tall. Thereafter, the shaft which is attached to the bullock cart is raised so that the top portion of crop can be sprayed. Amurutbhai worked out the approximate cost of the sprayer to be Rs.7000/-. By using this bullock cart sprayer, one farmer, can spray 125 big have in 10 hours. Seeing Dayaljibhais pump, a neighboring farmer got a similar one made for him.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Dayalji Asaliya
Address: Chamardi Babra Amreli Gujarat
City: Amreli
State: Gujarat
PIN Code 365410

Practice Details

Link:  Easy to use  Economic  User Friendly
Manufacturing Capacity: d) Licensing, e) Franchising
Problem Scale: Local

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/1168

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