About the Practice
Problem Statement:

Operating pump manually becomes very difficult and reduces efficiency of work


The APO is a hassle-free household water management device that integrates the ground reservoir, water pump and the overhead tank.Using a central control panel, the pump switches on automatically as soon as the overhead tank goes below the threshold level and switches off as soon it gets full. It also takes feedback from the source of water (reservoir- ground or overhead) to check if there is enough water. When there is little or no water, the APO does not switch on the pump. Thus it prevents damage to the motor. In the most advanced version of the APO, Manihar has incorporated a system such that the feedback is available from multiple overhead tanks and the ground reservoir as well. The overhead tanks can be at different heights. If there is a surplus in a particular tank and deficit in another, irrespective of the fact whether ground reservoir has water or not, the APO can switch on the motor to pump water from the tank with surplus water to the one with deficit. The APO covers the entire spectrum of a thorough water pumping system – from a running pipe, pond, river, tank, etc. It can lift water in higher tank from lower one and vice versa depending upon the need. Depending upon the complexity of the system and the features required, the cost of APO varies between Rs. 2000-3500

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: ManoharmayumManihar Sharma
Address: NongmeibungWangkheirakpamLeikai (PungMakhong), P.O: Imphal East
City: Imphal-
State: Manipur
PIN Code 795001

Practice Details

Link:  Automatic  Control by central Control Panel  Easy to use  Economic  User Friendly
Manufacturing Capacity: a) Turnkey solution, b) Design Support, c) Sub-contracting, d) Licensing, e) Franchising
Problem Scale: Local in India

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/1184

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